Project of producing natural potato chips with packaging systems
potato chips production project with packaging systems from the best chips production line manufacturer in Turkey and Europe and one of the best companies in the world (the well-established Madox Machines),
Madox Company offers a natural potato chips production project with packaging systems with the highest quality ever and the best price compared to the quality provided and modern equipment.
The natural potato chips production project is the most profitable chips project, as the profits are very high in all geographical and economic regions..
Most of the chips manufacturers compete to own the natural potato chips production line due to the product strategy, its importance, and the difference of high distinction from other companies in the local, foreign and global markets..
Madox meets with high professionalism the needs of investors who wish to start investing in the natural potato chips project and spread in the markets.
Madox believes that high quality, professionalism, and experience in manufacturing the production line come at the top of the success of the project. Therefore, Madox Company exerts its maximum energy to focus on the three points that we have mentioned.
We offer you the complete vision of the natural potato chips production project:
The natural potato chips production project consists of four main stages:
- Choosing the type of potatoes suitable for the project
- Storage of potatoes
- The series of automatic production stages
- The packaging
First: Choosing the type of potato suitable for the project:
- This stage is considered one of the most important stages of the project, because potatoes are the main element in the project, and given the importance of the matter, Madox provides all information about the quality of potatoes, their seeds, places of sale, and the possibility of planting them, taking into account the seasons of the year.
- Madox provides a schedule of potato consumption in proportion to the working hours that the investor provides to Madox company.
Second: Potato storage
- Madox provide information about the storage process and the appropriate temperatures for it, in accordance with the geographical location and the climatic zone in which the project will be held.
Third: A series of automatic production stages:
- At this stage, production begins in an actual and practical way.
Stages of producing potato chips sequentially:
- The stage of potato unloading within the combined dust removal machine with a conveyor belt
- The complete external washing unit
- Potato peeling unit with modern system
- The control stage and examination of the potatoes after peeling
- Conveyor belt to the cutting machine
- The world’s best and latest potato cutting machine
- Integrated conveying unit with potato washing stage
- Potato processing unit and modification of sugar and starch within the grain (a very important stage in which Madox distinguishes the system from all companies in the region and Europe) a special system invented by Madox Company.
- A special stage for Madox Company to raise the quality of the product
- The stage of filtering the water from the product
- The product drying machine has several different built-in systems, each with a special function.
- Conveyor itinerary
- Madox’s frying unit, in which Madox’s superiority over all the world’s companies that manufacture production lines is highlighted without exception.
- Oil filtering machine
- Testing process for fried chips
- Mixing spices unit
- Dram of flavoring and mix the chips with the spices
- Conveyor belt for packaging stage
- Full Control unit
- In addition to a lot of Deep details that you can get from the marketing team.
Fourth: Advanced Packaging Stage:
- Madox has its own packaging system that meets the needs of the investor in terms of quality, speed and price.
important information:
All the parts used in the production processes are from the first-class companies in the world, such as:
- Motors (German Siemens)
- Electrical equipment (German Siemens)
- Control systems (Siemens or Eaton, Germany)
- Gearboxes (NRW German franchise)
- Inverters (Japanese Fuji or German Euro Drive)
- Metal: Stainless Steel
- Madox also presents a feasibility study on the project of producing natural potato chips, which you can obtain from the marketing team.

Project of producing natural potato chips with packaging systems
Read more About production lines:
- Potato chips production line MDX/PCH300
- Potato Chips Production Line MDX/PCH600
- Half-fried potato production project
- The project of Tortilla chips production with packaging system
- Corn chips project with weighing packaging systems
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